About disadvantages and advantages
It would seem that the advantages of an online store are obvious: there is no need to look for a point to sell the goods, instead of monthly rent – only the payment for hosting (which is dozens of times cheaper), there is no time – your store is open 24/7 … And the range of goods can be a variety and wide.
But it’s not as simple as it may seem at first sight. There are countless online showcases online today. And in order to become a visible competitor, it is important to choose the right thing to trade with.
Pick a niche.
Cosmetics, children’s goods, stationery, home appliances, shoes, food, auto parts … It is not easy to stop at one thing. Well, if you already have in your head a ready-made business idea, which you have long wanted to implement. In other cases, there are two main points in choosing a niche.
You can choose a popular direction, which is always in demand. Without profit you will not stay, but with competitors who have long established themselves in the market, not the fact that you can cope.
If you decide to choose a new, uncharted direction almost without competitors, you will need active advertising. It takes a lot of effort and money to promote a new product or service.
Well, what do we do? Strive for uniqueness! Analyzing the market, think about what you can surprise your client. If clothes or cosmetics sell well, it is important to understand what else the customer is missing. Make your product distinctive, special. Then you will get both popularity and profit.
Is it a FE or a legal entity?
If you decide to open an online store, there are two options to register your business. Internet-shop refers to business activities, so you need to register a legal person or as an individual entrepreneur.
IE .
You can start working as an individual entrepreneur as soon as you receive a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur. To obtain it, you should apply to the Executive Committee of your place of residence with the following documents:
- a statement;
- document photo 3*4;
- copy or original of the receipt of payment of the state duty (0.5 base value – 12.25 rubles);
You can get the “certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur” at the Executive Committee the day after the application.
Information about the new business entity will be submitted to the tax, FSZN and Belstat within five working days. This will be done by the registering authority itself, you only need to obtain supporting documents from the Executive Committee.
After these procedures you can open a current account with a bank. Don’t forget to inform the tax inspectorate about it and at the same time fill in an application for the chosen system of taxation.
Legal entity
To register a legal entity it is necessary:
- coordinate the name of the legal entity with the registering authority;
- obtain a legal address;
- to prepare a charter, which will contain information about the legal entity, the procedure of its activity, responsibility and the list of representatives.
- obtain a certificate of state registration;
- appoint a chief accountant and a manager;
Registration of current account in the bank
To operate an online store you need to open a current account with the bank.

You can open such an account in almost any bank of Belarus. It is important to carefully study the tariffs and conditions. For registration it is required:
- application for opening a bank account;
- a certificate of state registration;
- a card with specimen signatures of officials and, if you work with a seal, a seal imprint.
Basic ways to create an online store
So, the documentary formalities have been settled. Now it’s time to start, perhaps, the main thing – the creation of the site. The platform should be visually memorable and user-friendly. There are several ways to create a site for online store:
- to use ready-made designers. Templates provide many services. Perhaps the site will not be very beautiful and unique, but this option is cheap – you only need a small subscription fee;
- order the development of the site from the studio or freelancer. This option is not cheap, but will provide you with an individual approach. The most important thing here is to think over everything well and clearly indicate your wishes;
- if you have the necessary skills, you can create a site yourself.
Remember that the online store site must have information about the owner. If it is a legal person – the name with an indication of the form of ownership, legal address, UNP.
Individual entrepreneur must specify the surname, name and patronymic of the IE without abbreviations, information on state registration and the name of the body that carried out this registration, as well as the UNP.
On the site it is also mandatory to specify the time of the online store, give a sample of a cash receipt, information about the possibility of remote payment.
Payment acceptance and delivery service
Organization of payment methods and receipt of goods – a necessary condition for registration and operation of your online store. Most online shops in Belarus work through on-site payment (when delivered by courier or at the pick-up point) – in cash or by card. But it is possible to give customers the opportunity to make a remote payment. Such a format of payments can be accepted through:
- banks and postal facilities;
- mobile and Internet banking;
- cash on delivery of goods by mail;
- electronic money.
Delivery of goods can be arranged by post or courier. At first, you can save money by acting as a courier yourself.
Trade Register
The next stage will be the registration of the online store in the trade register of the Ministry of Trade. Do this before you start trading, otherwise you will break the law. The service is free and is made at the place of registration of IE or legal entity.
For registration of an online store you will need the application in duplicate. Your data within five working days will be entered in the territorial database of the Trade Register.
We promote and attract
Congratulations! If you have passed all the above steps – you can start selling (immediately after registration in the Trade Register). Now we need to make sure that your site came to you buyers … How to attract them? There are many ways, here are just some of them:
- advertising on social networks. It is important not to make a common mistake: to advertise is not the shop, and the product;
- to place advertising banners on the Internet;
- to use contextual advertising;
- make the site of the online store an information resource. Buyers need useful information and want to know how to choose a bike or smartphone. This information attracts attention, and if information notes are written in accordance with certain rules – your site will be good “see” search engines.
Configure any type of advertising and effectively organize the promotion will help a competent online marketer. But do not be afraid to learn how to promote yourself – it will save your money.